Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Short Reflection

Short Reflection

Q Short Reflection Paper (2-3pp) Assess your thoughts and feelings about innovation practices. Specifically address the following areas: ? To what degree do you feel you embrace creative design and innovation? ? Name 2 or 3 innovative tasks or projects you’ve been a part of in the past. What role did you play? ? Are there any obstacles in regards to your participation in the creative process? What steps could you take to overcome them? Follow all course writing instructions and make connections to course materials.

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The word creative has many meanings one definition as defined by the Merriam – Webster dictionary is one: marked by the ability or power to create. An innovative person is defined as someone who introduces new ideas, one with original thoughts and is creative in thinking. In the depths of my being, I’ve always wished that I was more naturally creative. I would love to have the ability to play an instrument, be a soulful singer, inspiring dancer or a poetic writer. The ability to manifest something completely from one's own mind and think outside of the box is so empowering.